Looking to purchase?


1. Select a piece from my website or Instagram. Generally, I will keep an up-to-date section on my Instagram of available pieces with pricing and size info. But if something you’re interested in isn’t there, please inquire!

2. Fill out the form on my Contact Page or send me a direct message on Instagram with which piece(s) you are interested in.

3. I’ll help you arrange payment through Venmo or Paypal, and then…it’s yours!

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Interested in a commission?

If you don’t see something that is in your price range, are interested in a piece that has already sold, or are just looking for something personal, reach out!

  1. Send me an email with some basics about your project. (What size are you looking for? Is it for a specific space? What’s your budget?)

  2. Let’s talk! Once we discuss the project and figure out size, materials, and timeline, I can provide you with a price estimate. I require half-down to get started.

  3. If the project requires a mock-up, I’ll send one over to you. Otherwise, I’ll get started and send progress shots along the way. Although I welcome comments and suggestions, due to the nature of my work, some mark-making is final (i.e. I already burned or cut out that piece!), and I reserve the right to make aesthetic decisions that fit within the parameters of my current body of work.

  4. Once finished, well talk shipping or delivery. I’ll receive final payment, and you’ll receive your custom work of art!